Monday, January 17, 2011

365 day path into Yoga

Yoga such a simple word but once you start practicing this path what a life change.  I only started practicing this path seriously in the last six months and now I want to share my journey with you.  My plan is to share a 365 day Yoga blog, how it changes me, and the world I live in.

Today is day one, 365 days left:

I started to day meditation for about 30 minutes on the Gayatria and the did a short 40 minute Yoga workout.  I always feel like a new person when done with meditation and a Yoga workout.  My body feels whole and complete with all the oxygen flowing through every nerve and fiber.  Every second of my work out I offer up as a prayer from my temple to the Creator who runs through all life and is our breath.  The experience is divine beyond explanation.  My mind and body are moved to a place of total worship and peace.

If you find this blog, I hope you enjoy this path with me.  Check back tomorrow for more.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck Nat! I can't wait to keep up with your journey! Namaste, Mandy
